It’s the first typhoon signal No.8 of the summer, it rains heavily and the storm destroyed lots of trees and billboards everywhere.
Everyone was off from working except cops and part of the social service centres.
Ming was working hard as usual (He is a cop of HKSAR), but there was something in his mind and yes, that was Joey…
He knew Joey was not happy, no matter what he did, she’s just not HAPPY…
Ming had tried everything he could think of to change the situation, but he failed to find any clue to the solutions.
All he wanted is only one thing: Make her happy, amaze her.
“The problem is not me, its her.” Ming knew.
“As I turned up the collar of…my favorite winter coat, this wind is blowing my mind…” Ming was expecting the ring tone ended and Edwin’s voice jump up to the air, and he was disappointed again.
The calls were not answered by Edwin.
That’s odd!
Edwin was a very responsible person, and was used to call back in short when there was a missed call.
“But recently he didn’t reply my calls and hang up fast for different reasons even when the calls were answered…” Ming had a strange feeling…
Ming has been trying to call Edwin because he needs Edwin’s help in his relationship with Joey.
Edwin is like his teacher all the time, he knew people and is so thoughtful, especially the girls, he knew what to do.
Edwin was not as cute as Ming, but instead, he is more talented and sensitive which makes him charming and popular as well as Ming.
In my opinion, when you see them two standing together, Ming is the one drawing your attention first, and when you started talking you’ll find Edwin’s special attraction, that is something inside out…

In the afternoon, after a twelve hours night shift, Ming was exhausted but he decided to go to Joey’s home and meet her for lunch, he decided not to call her until arrived, because he knew she would be staying at home under the typhoon and expecting his call, he wanted to surprise her.
That happens very often when there were ideas crashed into his mind. He remembered Joey used to like his ideas and was amazed all the time with a lovely face, he missed those smiles very much…
He walked down the street and turned right to Joey’s apartment in Kwun Tong.
When he arrived the shopping mall behind the building, he called at Joey's home but nobody answered....
While he was starting the second call, he saw Joey who just came out of the building, Edwin was right there waiting…
The picture crashed over Ming’s head, that really hurts…
He decided to go to Edwin and punch his face the second he understood everything!
But soon he stepped back and returned to hide in the corner when he saw Joey’s face, she is happy and joyful, unlike that hanging out with him...
When Joey was with him she was fond but unhappy, she likes making love with him, that is something cannot be pretended and not
necessary to…
Girls are different with boys, most of them cannot separate sex and love, you can test her by observing her reactions in bed.
("most", not all girls, some of us are good at playing games in fact~)
They are perfect matched in bed, but that’s all, she doesn’t enjoy living with him. Ming suddenly understood.
“Sex partners?”
“No!” Ming ensured.
Ming always knew what Joey was thinking about but he doesn’t “understand” her, exactly as he doesn’t understand himself.
(We all have more or less the same problem, haven’t we? We always work for something and found that the thing was not what we desired when we actually got there…)
Ming had made the decision instantly, he turned back to his way home and thought that he needed some rest.
He was gone back to his life, the boy has grown up.
(To be continued…)